Oz Tuff Australian Couch

Oz Tuff is a born and bred true Australian Couch perfect for many applications where there is full sun. Oz Tuff can be used for domestic lawns, commercial lawns, parks and sporting stadiums and ovals.

Oz Tuff Australian Couch Turf Features


Oz Tuff ranked #1 for wear tolerance in a 4 year HAL study (TU08018) 

It tolerates higher degrees of stress than most other turf varieties.

Oz Tuff Sports Turf Rugby Lawn Block

It has less nutritional requirements than most turf varieties.

Oz Tuff Sports Grass is a PBR licensed product.

It doesn’t throw a seed head, which allows for low allergy and tidier appearance.

Oz Tuff Turf Grass 2

Oz Tuff is a high quality, low cost turf 

Oz Tuff can be used for a variety of different applications such as domestic lawns, elite sporting fields and ovals, parks and community areas, commercial. Just keep in mind that it does need full sun.

Drought tolerance

As you can see Oz Tuff has a deep and dense root structure. This allows it to reach moisture and water further down from the surface. Oz Tuff will also recover and green up fast as soon as it gets a drink of water again.

Salt tolerance

Coastal locations are not a problem for Oz Tuff which performs well in areas such as home lawns, parks and foreshores which tend to face high environmental pressure. It is also able to survive when recycled water is used.

OZ Tuff Turf coastal application